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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
first of all
i want to send my deepest sympathy to Keluarga Cendana
last sunday at 13.10, Indonesian's 2nd president, who had ruled for approx 32years passed away
and theres rumor saying that Jakarta was hit by tornado or something. really?
meanwhile i got fever...reali high fever

i am sick..huhu
lalla sick lalla
6days to exam but i am sick..
hope i'll recover soon
glanced at the mirror at 9:35 pm
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
*saya mulai malas post pake english nih, bosan ngmg english-halah gaya...- gk lah, lg males aja ngetik bhs eng. enegh abis ngemeng2 sampe 2000 kata lebih buat assignment..hoex
dan hasilnya lumayan memuaskan lah*
assignment law gwe dapet 22.5/30 haha not bad kan?? =p

duh duh, ngomong2 dah deket chinese new year, dah deket kepulangan gwe k kampung halaman tercinta, dan dah deket juga ama final nya law yang menjijaykan ----> yaiyzzz

tp gwe menyempatkan diri berbelanja sana sini.hore hore. disini lg diskon dimana2
jd begitu meringankan dompet kami para students.kekeke
dan hari ni eqe nemenin sang kekasih belanja k midvalley

puter sana puter sini

sana sini sana sini
eh ternyata selera doi susa jg yah. yg gwe bilang bagus dy bilang biasa aja
gwe bilang keren dy bilang norak haiz...
puter sana sini buntut2nya k giordano juga ndapet 2 baju plus 2 baju jg gwe beli buat emak n gwe sendiri.

puter sana puter sini capek, gk dapet2 celana panjang, dan LAPAR

makaannn...eqe lg ngidam makan ayam goreng mcd, jdlah pesen mcd dan guess what?!
stelah bayar baru deh mbaknya bilang kalo tu ayam nunggu 20menit
astaganaga...malas gilaaaa..knp bilang nya baruuu coba sebelon bayar, bisa ganti menu kannn???

ahirnya nunggu lah 20mnt. keruyukan, kentang dah abis, minum dah stenga gk dateng2

trs minta tolong ama mas2 yg agak melambai buat ambilin ayam nya..tu emas2 co cwiiiit bgt, baek bo..dy sampe nunduk2 bilang sorry k kita krn lama nunggu. dah gitu sampe segitu niatnya nawarin refill minuman dimana biasanya customer yg nyodorin gelas kosong k cashier minta diisiin. *boleh deh refill klo milo ada, sayangnya coman coke doank yg refill*

lalu kenyang makan pindah mol...dr midvalley nyebrang lewat jalan tembus di bawah tanah ke the gardens...sepiiii molnya..serasa milik ndiri. fufufuu~~~

dan masuk k levi's store yg kedua dalem sehari, nyoba celana...
dan finally sekali coba eh pacar lgsg cocok n emang dipakenya bagus..hoahoa
sip lah, mbayar terus PULANG...
ah kakiku copot...huhu
capek boook....

oh iyah~
tak dinyana, pas kmrn gwe cerita abis motong rambut sendiri trnyata mbikin org2 penasaran yah?!hehe
pada rekues gambar, yauda eqe post nih.hehe
aneh gk? gk rapih sih emang, tp gk papa larh, bulan depan jg dipotong lg..hehe
glanced at the mirror at 10:08 pm
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
alala alala alala
finally i blog hahaha
so happy i managed to finish the deadly business law assignment with 2624 words

aduh ni tangan lg keseleo, jd malas nulis panjang2
yang jelas minggu ni, gw potong rambut
dan itu dilakukan tanpa modal alias motong rambut sendiri di depan kaca kamar mandi
temen eke bilang sih awalnya kagak rapih gile -tp belakangan stelah dirapiin sama si pacar dy bilang jd keren...ooh cowo gwe berbakat jd tukang potong kepala rambut-

dan emang iya lah tentu saja acak kadul secara gwe potongnya dgn cara gk mo repot
beginilah caranya:

1. rambut diiket ala ekor anjing

2. ambil handuk dan peralatan kamar mandi

3. jalan menuju kamar mandi

4. eeeh balik lagi krn guntingnya ketinggalan *gwe pake gunting kertas warna oren =P*

5. yak persiapkan nyali depan kaca kamar mandi

6. kepala dimiringkan ke arah kanan jd kan rambutnya keliatan di kaca

7. lalu babat kira2 sepanjang 2 ruas jari telunjuk

8. eh motongnya gk segampang motong kertas..gusruk gusruk gursuk

9. yap rata..gwe langsung mandi n cao brunch


si pacar terkezutttt ngeliatnya n dy bilang sayang rambutnya dipotong krn dah panjang
benernya sih gwe jg sayang cmn rambut gwe rusak
huhuhu yap sbenernya sih gr2 salah gwe ndiri.. ya iya lah rusak dlm kurun waktu kira2 1bulan gwe ganti sampo 5x
hahaha nyari mati..ahirnya sekarrang gwe menetap pake sampo johnson baby yg warna kuning

dah gitu sisa2 minggu gwe habiskan dgn diskusi tu assignment sampah,,jijay jijay
sue sue..kek kebanyakan duit, masalah sepele aja dibawa k court dan lebih parahnya buat reference nya gw perlu meng quote case case jaman jebot..case paling tua yg gwe baca tu taun 1912...alamaaaaakk...

duh sakit perut ah....dah dolo yee.kekkeke
glanced at the mirror at 8:38 pm
busy busy busy
Saturday, January 12, 2008


im busy for my law assignment. it is due on monday.
i can do nothing,
neither blogging nor blogwalking
even my friendster account is neglected
*another huhu*
do pls leave mess in my shoutbox or comments..i'll visit u bak^^

wish me luck..
chao chao

ps: those who want me to link their blog pls kindly tell me..i'll link u as soon as i finished this bloody assignment..
glanced at the mirror at 12:41 am
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
my friends and i created a new casual blog
its kinda our shared diary, about our daily lifes

contributed by all five of us *Nez, Nia, Mei, Jck and Wenny*
do visit Five Happy Stars

help us to improve ^^
glanced at the mirror at 2:57 pm
Monday, January 07, 2008
I recently got a chain email from my friend which says:

It's not the fault of student if
he/she fails because the year ONLY
has 365 days...
typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.
Days left 313.

2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.

3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE.
Days left 141.

4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left 126.

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30 days.
Days left 96.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days.
Days left 81.

7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days.
Days left 46.

8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days.
Days left 6.

9. For sickness - at least 3 days.
Days left 3.

10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days.
1 day left.

11. That 1 day is your birthday.
How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!

Balance = 0

' How can a student pass ?????'

Somehow i think its funny.
ha ha ha.

There's people out there who actually think about this.

ha ha ha

1 week to go to the due date of my assignment.
i haven't done anything while my other classmates almost finish their assignment

wa la la wa la la

I have no mood to do the assignment...

help mee~~
glanced at the mirror at 1:41 pm
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Myspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace Glitters Myspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace GlittersMyspace Glitters

i like the new skin *lurphee donut..keke*
yesterday i added a song to my blog
but then
i decided to remove the song from my blog
i like it first but then in long period its annoying *ha.ha*

i utik2 my blog setting and find the AdSense by google
getting interested i signed up for it however
i dont reali understand about how it works *anybody can help?*

dropped by my friend's blog and i saw another ads
*i wanna sign up for one too*
poor me, when i rewrote the codes for my template, the only thing that comes out is only

what happened??!!!!
i desperately want to put some ads on my blog..

100% stupidity
stupid nez

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glanced at the mirror at 3:17 pm
Saturday, January 05, 2008
wah wah it is the 5th day of 2008
and what do i do??
juz menumpuk lemak liao...

i think its almost everyday EVERY SINGLE DAY i eat snacks..
i am legend penyemil sejati
also lately i always go to wholesalers... buy this and that and the only thing i never forget to buy is SNACK!!!
waw waw waw

how about my resolution to lose some weight???

so scary, in 3 weeks time of holiday in my hometown and i gained almost 4 kg and now to lose it back to my normal is damn hard...
i want to diet but people keep telling me that diet doesnt solve weight prob.
they advising on sports; well the only sport that i like is SWIMMING
but then my shoulder will become broader and broader like men,,yaiz

huhuhu..later i wanna try hula hoop. kekek..who knows i'll become curvy like shakira..kekke
*i DO wish-crossfinger*
glanced at the mirror at 7:16 pm
1st post in 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
happy new year 2008 ^^

its already January 3rd, sorry for being late =P

this is my first post in 2008
yesterday i was told by my friend during our dinner that everybody has 7 look alike persons in this world. he, himself, ever met his "twin" during his stay in Indonesia. they didn't know each other but all his friends had mistaken him with this "twin" they thought he had changed his clothes where in fact it was his "twin".
he became speechless when he met the other guy and so did that guy, even the hairstyle also the same.

i asked another 3 persons whether they ever met their twins but none of them did.
the probability is so small that there are billions of people on earth. funnily, my mom text me
saying that she saw a girl that definitely looks like me. she even thought that her daughter is in Indonesia instead of here in KL. hahaha

i Google this issue and found some random blogs about it.
Cat's so called life and haha.nu check it yourself
i DO want to meet my look-alike,,how about you?
ever find one? ^^

once again happy new year 2008

hope you have a wonderful year

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glanced at the mirror at 2:26 pm